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~Another Season of Accountability, Recompense, and Moral Decision Making~

Writer: Terry SpringsteenTerry Springsteen

As I drew myself in closer to The Father, He, whispered: Those that have ears to hear, HEAR Me!

My Church, My Church you are now entering another season in which to cleanse and right yourselves in and with Me. For the next few years, MY mercy and grace will be extended to you. As MY Bride, MY Ekklesia the time to stand and occupy like never before is upon each of you. But in order to "Stand"; the dirt, shame, guilt, seen and unseen sin must be cleansed, none of which has been MY desire for you to wallow in and continue to live in.

So Hear Me, MY warriors, I speak of the cleansing of the wrongs done and received, hurts inflicted, wrongful actions/decisions that pulled you away from the heart of Me. Duplicity has never been MY gift to you! It is therefore a season that requires MY Churches and MY Church to make right and heal ALL that has been or continues to be out of alignment with Me. It is a TIME to pick up the rugs, pull back the curtains, open the windows wide and clear and cleanse every crevice. It is with this cleansing that produces a rippling out effect in all directions from MY Churches to MY Ekklesia and beyond.

It is not a season to merely be a whistle blower, finger pointer, and one who waves their finger at others. My patience has grown thin of the "Do what I say/ preach and NOT what I Do", this shall not be hidden any longer. What I ask for is that everyone of My Children that know Me, love Me, and have accepted Me as their Lord and therefore their Savior to come before Me in humility, standing strong in boldness and take time to own, account for & repent for that which has been done. Amend what needs righting and then make moral decisions to move forward in the path of MY Light. Hear Me Now; what you do not take care of now will be your undoing later.

So I tell you: pause, take a moment, dive deep into the process of personal cleansing. It is a process. Honor the process in order to replenish and know like-you know, that you carry an innate moral compass that ALWAYS points to Me. Use it!

If confused, Ask of Me that of which you need, THEN: listen, look, and seek for the answers I give. Know that to keep doing the same thing over & over & over does not propel you forward, it only aids the enemy in keeping you stuck. It is TIME for all MY Children, especially MY frontline warriors to have your actions match your words. NO LONGER is talk alone to be trusted- Trust but Verify is MY word to MY Children. I say again: words match action mixed with faith all while holding tight to your moral compass is the basis to be able to move ever closer towards Revival. I AM asking you to lead by example.

This season will best be fought with courage, strength, and endurance as I AM gracing you with MY mercy, favor, and time. Choose to use it well, MY Beloved. Prepare yourselves for the battle that lies ahead- remember I AM with you ALWAYS.

And have entrusted you for such a time as this!

Offered in Spiritual Love~

Terry Springsteen

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