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July 3, 2020 Prophetic Word

Writer:  MaryEllen McCloud MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “The Cloud will guide you by Day and the Fire by Night. I have written, in the world around you, clear signs of My power over your life. I have set before you great signs and wonders of divine intervention and resources from Heaven falling upon you. Look beyond what the natural eyes will behold. You spirit is able to move into understanding that your natural mind struggles to take hold of.

My Kingdom is always visible in the spirit. Look no further than in your mind’s eye. I will provide the Ram in the Thicket. Come to the altar with your best, and I will show you what My Best looks and feels like. You haven’t seem anything yet. You have looked high and low in the Scriptures for the limitations of what I will do. I say to you this day, Behold I do a New Thing! I have the unlimited set out before you. Reach in Deep! Everything I have is yours. Only you can decide to cancel My goodness over your life.”


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