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January 9, 2020 Prophetic Word

Writer:  MaryEllen McCloud MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “Be mindful in this Hour. I am Pruning and Purging within My People. Many will resist and walk away to the deceptions because they cannot fathom that I am not who they have perceived all of their life. Human Perception contains bias thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. If you really desire to know Me completely, you will have to drop all of that at the doorway. I mind unwilling to yield will waver in and out of the truth.

Your transition season has ended and NOW, you will be handed the Keys to so many doors of opportunities. The long wait will be met with My Grace that wipes away the memories of hardships and sorrow. Let it all wash off of you and refuse to pick up ‘what was’ and make it still be ‘what is.’ I have better and more. Can you say, ‘better and more?’ Do not let the troubles define who you are for your true identity rests in Me alone.”


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