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Writer's picture:  MaryEllen McCloud MaryEllen McCloud

We all see this phrase often, “God owes you nothing,” but how does God really feel about that statement? Generally, this belief is used to remind us what a horrible person we are at the core and that the only thing we deserve is judgement and hell. BUT, is that the message the Lord would say to you?

Imagine for a moment. A couple has a baby, and the hospital staff comes into the room to say, “You owe that new fragile baby nothing at all!” Do most parents believe they owe their own flesh and blood nothing past giving life? Does Scripture even teach such a concept? Clearly, we see the opposite in words and actions. Forty weeks of anticipation turn into marvel and joy. The flesh is conditional, but God is unconditional in His intentions towards us. God is family oriented and driven. He considers us His Children. We experience life to show us more of who He is and how He feels towards us- We are His Family. And in a perfect world, we would all experience perfect human families.

You see, we are asking the wrong question before God. He is not pondering if we are owed anything by Him. In saying so, we are cutting ourselves off from the most Beautiful Relationship and Outpouring that the Lord desires to do for each person. He doesn’t have us in categories or a line to receive the leftovers from those He really has favor towards. God chose to create us and chooses continuously without fail to keep us in existence daily through the Breath of Life He bestows to all creation moment by moment. No part of creation exists on its own. It must all be preserved every millisecond by God’s intentional actions.

Hell was not created for man. Hell was not even created the moment the angels rebelled. Hell existed at the foundations because God knew that there would be a war in the heavenlies, and that mankind would be caught in the crossfires. We were created differently than the angels and through Christ we are saved from a punishment that was never created for us. We are in the Image and Likeness of the Creator. No other created being can lay claim to this.

In fact, the Scriptures contain hundreds of the Promises from God in full detail. So, what would the Lord actually tell you today? The Lord says you were created at the foundations on purpose and delight of the Father. You are made in My perfection with no mistake or regret. Beloved, I could not Love you more for My Love is all consuming, all knowing, and deliberate. I have given you everything to provide a Hope, a Future, and Eternal security with Me. The depths of our relationship will never be reached for there is always a deeper level to explore. There is no separation that keeps you from My Hands. I will Heal your wounds, Restore you when you fall, Encourage you in life, and be there for the highs and the lows. Maintain the faith for your inheritance is assured. A First Born Blessing, for everything I have is yours.

God is not considering what He owes us. He already decided at the beginning that when we fell, Jesus would take our place. There is nothing more to give because all of His is ours! No other option ever came into His Mind!!! He did not choose one option over another path. His plans remain the same across time and space. You can't change His mind so embrace what He offers with no more thinking you are not worthy. He calls you worthy and that settles the conversation once and forever! God is still offering you His perfect family through a relationship with Christ. No application required.

~Blessings MaryEllen McCloud Replenished Hope ‪#‎replenishedhope‬ ‪#‎dailypropheticword‬ ‪#‎dailyprophetic ‬ @Replenishedhope


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