The Lord says, “A casting away of your cares is what I desire, for I Am the One who will take all that concerns you. This burden was not meant for you to carry. Striving with your own hands will only get you so far. I have resources that you may not have considered. I want you to rest in Me. Let Me give you the peace that surpasses all understanding, so that you will not miss My Hand in those matters. Time will pass you by when you are not diligent in how you spend each day.
My well never runs dry. When you are feeling empty and depleted, just come back for an infilling. Many get so busy that they forget that there is an unending supply just waiting. What you allow to entice you will take control over you. Renew your mind daily and you will avoid common traps throughout your day. I have more for you to see and do. Let’s go do the impossible! I created you out of My Love. You are much more than you realize.”