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Beloved Japan the Father says:

Writer: Terry SpringsteenTerry Springsteen

"The Joy of the Redeemed"

Japan, My heart is bigger than most could ever conceive of; for you. I know not all call to Me using My first name BUT My love for you knows no bounds. I say love, is love, is love, in all nations across all peoples. It is a common thread that I blessed the world with to bind all together.

I speak Now, Peace over you My Japan. I ask you to be still, listen, and know that My peace I give you, is not as the world gives, do I give. Let not your hearts be troubled nor afraid.

Your government is not the answer. IAM the way, the truth, and the life. And I say; you will not be abandoned by Me, you will not be forgotten but will be held tightly in My palm.

Monsters of every age come and go. So goes the red dragon that threatens with its nostrils flared. It growls and threatens to throw fire to keep you suppressed. Your governmental officials trapped in its commanding stare, subservient to its whims.

Listen and know that I AM with you and will direct your steps in safety and righteousness. So let the red monster; huff, puff and pace the floor. For you My Japan, are loved beyond measure.

Those that have kept hidden just under the surface, I will open up new paths ways to pass information and keep you knowing the Truth and informed as to events.

I say to you, Japan, you carry within you gems of wisdom that have been passed down from generation to generation. Your ability to walk in reverence for all things and seek peace and not war speaks to the lessons and atrocities you have both endured and inflicted.

My Peace surrounds you, My Japan, let no one tell you different or ruffle the peace and honor that resides so deeply within each of your citizens. For IAM always with you.

Offered in Spiritual Love,

Terry Springsteen


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