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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

April 7, 2020 Prophetic Word

The Lord says, “You were found by the Riverbanks. You say Lord, what does this mean? It means you found the source of everything you were in need of. My Living Waters. Many walk away searching for something more complex to their angst. I say, RETURN and I will give you rest. You are meant to walk each day in My overflow and not depleted of what the human experience can muster up. I have an endless flow. Is there anything too hard for Me? What idols do you carry that continues to get in the way of our Relationship? Even your own hands will fail you without My Strength. You were not designed to be apart from Me. I have not asked you to figure out life on your own. I am speaking so command your ears to hear and your eyes to see. Forsake the mindset bound for ignorance. Wisdom only does you any good if you wash yourself in it. Many were wise but allowed pride and arrogance to guide them instead. Shake off the dead works. I have more for you.”


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