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December 7, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “I want you to not be so hard on yourself. Religion would have you feeling responsibility for every single thing that happens around you and around the world. The Battle is Mine. I neither slumber nor sleep. I have the world in My hands and there is nothing to fear or worry about. Change the mindset that the world has no Light left. Change the mindset that the enemy might win today or tomorrow. I am at work for Good and not demise. Rise up and declare the truth from Heaven. The enemy was defeated long ago.

What you perceive is what you will believe even when it is not the truth. The enemy looks to blind you to the fact that My Kingdom is forever and I cannot fail. You are on the winning side so therefore you will hold the Victory Crown. You can do all things through Christ. There is no higher truth. You will overcome all that is before you and all that will come. I hold it all and I Am holding onto you! Release the negative for it does not serve you.”

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