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December 5, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “Will you fully trust Me in this Hour? I know the roadblocks that are trying to pivot in front of your destiny. I will not allow My words spoken over you to return back void. I want you to get ready for an explosion of walls coming down all around you. The traps from your enemies are being sent right back to them. What was sent to force you backwards is about to catapult you right into your best days yet. Let Me take over as this battle is Mine.

I have counted all of your enemies even the ones who claim to be for you. I will not miss those that make it their mission to harm you. I will deal with each one of them. Even the onlookers will be dissatisfied and walk away. You are My Chosen and Called. No one will stop what I have ordained in your life. My Voice puts an end to all that sets out against My Kingdom. You will be victorious, today and forever. Just refuse to give up! I will hold you until the end.”

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