The Lord says, “Many of you are being forced into a rest right now. You have been going and going, but I have stillness for just a moment. I want you to be okay with not taking on the world right now. You will find that your anointings and gifts are not flowing as smoothly right now either. This is not because you have wandered down the wrong road. You are receiving an upgrade and many improvements to how you operate for My Namesake. Release and Let Go of long-standing expectations that are not from My Throne.

You will have to take some time to get familiar with how things will work in and through you again, but it will happen quickly. Soon, you will be off and running at full speed again. Enjoy where I have you right now. I am not giving you too many assignments right now so don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed either. I will take care of what is to be done. Just bask in My Glory and let My Presence breathe in and out of your very being. I will show you mysteries and what is to come.”