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November 28, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “Your provision is not where you are but where you are going. You must move out by Faith. Many are waiting where they are to receive before they go. Believe that I will meet your need and you will receive the promises. You are not forgotten. You are just in the wrong place to obtain what has been set aside for you. I will illuminate the path and even show you the pitfalls to avoid. Not every pitfall looks like a danger. Be wise and use discernment. I will guide you in every aspect.

Do not allow frustration to take a hold. You are right where you are supposed to be right now, and you will be in the new where I have called you to be shortly. Do not feel everything must be resolved today for what is set up in your tomorrow. I have left nothing off of the list, and you will take that leap of faith when I push you through the next door. Just be ready with expectation. I will go before you!”

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