The Father says, A fresh new oil am I pouring out over you and your family. What you were not able to accomplish and release will now come easily. What you place your focus and energy towards will yield a quicker return. The Plowman overtakes the Reaper. I will turn even what has failed into producing once again. Trust the direction of My Wind behind you for you are in a time unlike what you have experienced before. I can and will do a new thing in and through you. What others believed about you is unimportant compared to what I believe about you. I see you through My Love and Devotion towards you.
What you placed down for a few season, I will revive again. Do you feel the stirring for that call once again? Many surprises still linger behind the bend. Keep moving forward. Distractions will be as thick as fog for a few weeks, but this too shall end. I am guiding you so that you will not stumble. I have your provisions prepared. It is time to hit GO! No more hesitation causing your own delay. Trust that I have made you ready even when your insecurities circle in your thoughts. I will heal your heart and mind. Hand over those lingering burdens.