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MaryEllen McCloud

May 24, 2019

The Father says, It is time to cast your net out wider. Many of you are just looking to your immediate surroundings for blessings and provisions, but I say Cast it wider! I plan to go far and wide on your behalf and bring into life things that you would not consider to ask Me for. I am exposing you to a vision that is grander than you could have seen coming, for I Am not a small dreamer for your life and neither should you be. What you thought were baby steps being made, will become the size of giants. Do you see yourself as little and insignificant?

I plan to take that little vision and blow your mind away with My Goodness and Favor. Did I do any less for My servants in the Bible? Did they wake up thinking their life was made for more and such a time as this? No, I Am the One who reveals, shapes, and launches all of My Children into realms only reached by My Voice. Many have even tried to limit the statement- “You are Created in My Image!” How could someone see you, in this light, as small and inconsequential? Do you see me insignificant to the plan of all of creation? My power and authority flows through My people. Decide to be My disciple and let Me have My way with your life.

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