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MaryEllen McCloud

March 19, 2019

The Father says, Your days in this world are dim compared to what I have prepared for you next. The media reports should not shape your truth. Those that rise up in hate against My Kingdom should not shape your reality. Trust that I have given you a hope and a future to flourish in day after day. What I give you will not pass away. Choose not to place it down thinking giving up is the correct path. I am changing your mind about being in solitude. You have stayed hidden in the caves long enough. It is time to get busy again for My Glory is coming in a fresh new way. The sun rises and the sun sets, but the Sun does not cease in its work.

Many will be caught off guard by the New Winds coming across the plains. They will speak against thinking it is not by My Hand. When you see Me as limited, you really hold yourself in chains. Behold My Beloved, I am indeed doing a New Thing near and far from you. Do not wrestle with your logic for I have not asked man his opinion. I am gearing things up for a Mighty Rain that will cleanse the Land, the Hearts and Minds, and bring order to My Bride. You can count yourself out, but know that choices have consequences. What you speak cannot be undone so easily. Be diligent for My presence, and you will behold My Glory.

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