The Father says, See your life like a closed circuit TV right now. What is shown to you is done so in private and not for others to witness. I am giving you new revelation and understanding that is for you alone. In due time, I will send you out to release what I have given you. Wait upon My Voice. What is placed inside of you must ferment like the finest of wines. Released too soon and the flavor will be as bitter medicine that is not received. Let the taste and aroma fill your life until there is no room to contain this Glory any longer.
In days of old, only a few vessels wanted to be truly used for My Glory and Honor. Today, find a New Breed of My people who are willing to go to the end for My Namesake. The world will not be kind to them. The world will forsake them. But see in the Clouds, these mighty warriors will stand with My angelic army to carry what is inside of them with no hesitation. For what can man do against them anyway? I Am with you always My Chosen! Until the end of this age will you run an unprecedented race for My Honor.
Find no weapon strong enough or fast enough to impact what I have sent you to do. You have been faithful to Me, and now watch Me show the world just how much I place My trust in you. Let your enemies inside and outside of the camp scream that you are illegitimate. Watch and see Me answer on your behalf. I have warned My people to do no harm to My anointed, and now they will feel what it is like to come against what I Am doing all over the Earth. For they are either for or against Me when they speak about those who are Mine. The power is in the tongue.
The church doing business as usual is coming to an end. The division, strife, and false beliefs is coming down. The goats should not be with My sheep. I mark those who are Mine. Find now that others can actually see that mark and seal. My People are coming into a time of great and pure repentance. Lasting change and turnarounds are happening even now. I have promised not to leave you where you are. And even now the great transformation has begun. To the Glory of the Kingdom of God forever more!