The Father says, “I walk with you hand and hand by the River Banks. I took you to the heights of the highest Mountain Tops. And Now I will take you through the Fire unharmed. You are My Beloved and there is nothing I will not do for you. I Am so proud of you. You please Me so greatly.
What excites you, brings joy to My Heart. Soon the leaves will change and you will discover a deep mystery that I have longed to pour out into your spirit. You are My Trusted One. What I have for you will explode into the lives of those I send you to. I Am not finished revealing new things to My People.
You are My Carrier of Glory everywhere you travel. Step by Step do you have the Authority and Power to shift the very atmosphere that is stuck. People will be changed through you as My Chosen. Be mindful of the gateways you let open to wrong influences. What you ingest can become good or evil in your life.
Tune out the Noise trying to instill fear into your heart and mind. I have not give you that spirit. I have a glorious destiny for you to reach. Instead of thinking what else can go wrong, decide what else can go RIGHT as your way of being. Greater is before you than anytime in human history. Do you BELIEVE?”