The Father says, “I am falling upon the lonely in this hour. Your heart has been broken over and over. I Am your Healer. I Am your Deliverer. I will replace the void with love in abundance. Forsake the negative that others will hurt you. It is truth that all people hurt, but you do not have to let this be in your heart and mind. Forgive others as you have needed to be forgiven. There is no better freedom from chains that look to imprison.
What was done had a price and this was paid through the Cross. Christ was the sacrifice for what was, is, and is to come. Was this not enough of a payment for all of mankind's sins? Reconcile even when there is no call towards a further relationship. Let Me deal with vindication, but remember My Justice is Sovereign and not of the flesh. What is done may not look how you expect. Let My joy and peace embrace your spirit in all things.
Be open for what I am doing around you in this season. You will make connections with some key people which will open doors you were not expecting. I am setting you up for greater so look at setbacks as a strong sign of change in the atmosphere. Just as an arrow must be pulled backwards to have the momentum forward, there are times this is true in your life.
What was stuck and unmovable is under My Voice and Hand in this hour. It does not matter what force worked against your progress, I will take you forward. Expect the Unexpected in the next few weeks. I have tied a Red Ribbon upon the Present before you. Soon you will open the unimaginable that demonstrates My Love and Favor like you have never known until now. I so Love You!”