The Father says, “What are you attracting to your life? Your Soul and Spirit are powerful. What you allow in will set your compass more than you may understand. What you allow out will also set your compass. How you carry yourself will bring that which is pulled towards this energy or repeal that which is opposite. You must choose if you will walk in the Light or Darkness in all aspects.
Likewise allowing the heart and mind to become desensitized to sin will wound the soul and limit the spirit. Know who you are. Are you My Beloved Saint? It is time to put away childish notions that you can be of the world and still hold your inheritance. You are sacrificing more than you realize to the enemy vying to keep you in bondage. What you will not dispose of will keep you stuck.
Adam and Eve where not in lack, in fact they were in the overflow of abundance, and still wanted one thing that was forbidden. Many are looking at what is prohibited instead of focusing on all that is My best before them. Is that one sin better than all that I have for you? What you will not war against becomes acceptable on more and more levels. Holiness is a vital key to opening up the Heavenly Realms. What does Darkness have in common with the Light?
I am coming this day to heal you of all that you have done against your own soul. Lay it down on My Altar this very day. Make a change in your mind about what you will do from this day forth. Resist the devil, will he not indeed flee? Do not invite in what you say you do not want. I desire to take you higher. This is not just a catchy phrase. Open your Eyes and Ears. Access to My Kingdom is yours to walk in or not. Allow Me to break you free and choose to stay free!”