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We Offer Many Services To Help In Your Christian Walk, Healing & Wholeness

Mind Body Soul
So Your Spirit will fly
Healing & Deliverance
I know many of you want to understand and learn more about healing and deliverance. I am going to explain this process from what God has done in and through my ministry over 18 years.
Many people say I did what the church told me, repent and forgave but nothing changed. I am going to explain why this did not resolve the whole issue for you.
First, understand and believe that God’s answer to your healing is ALWAYS YES AND AMEN! Never doubt it. The day of your healing is always on the calendar. Just because it didn’t happen 4 years ago, 4 months ago, or 4 days ago does not mean it will not happen 4 hours from now. God certainly heals without us even realizing it so many times. In the Bible, some healings were instant, and other healing stories began once the person put action to their faith. Jesus is always healing you of something in your life. It is time to find your healing in the areas that seem to be unchanged.
All disease and sickness are from the consequences of a fallen sinful world. Sin brought death, decay, and disease to mankind. God is not glorified or honored by your physical or mental problems. Jesus died a horrible death on the Cross to pay for your complete healing and restoration. Why would He go through all of that and then go cause your illness? That makes Him a liar. Many times people in the Bible were afflicted with an illness as a result of their sins or disobedience against God. Illness does not glorify God in any way. God is only Glorified through your healing, PERIOD! God promises to use what was meant for evil to bless you in the end, but He never caused it even if He allowed it due to our actions. That would go against His very nature and Love for you. Religion will teach you that this illness is your cross to bear to benefit others... This is a lie from the pit of hell. Free yourself from the bondage. Receive your healing!
We want to make sure all of the steps are covered for each wound EVEN if you have repented or forgiven an issue in the past. All the steps are what is going to free you completely and allow your full mind and body healing to come forth!
You will find that the more you work on your soul healing, the more your spiritual gifts will be able to flow freely. There is a direct connection between our soul health and EVERYTHING ELSE in our lives. Listed below, are many ways to help in your total healing. Be sure to read each section for it all ties together!